The reflective material of our car window shades can produce dramatic temperature differences in vehicles parked in the sun. We've measured a temperature difference of as much as 40° F (25° C), but you will feel an average temperature reduction of about 25° F (11° C).
Our windshield sun shades are custom fit for every car, truck, and van, each precisely cut using our computer-driven cutting machines.
HeatShields are sturdy enough to be supported with only the sun visors, while remaining flexible enough to bend around the rearview mirror.
"After ordering my first HeatShield Sunshades heat deflector several years ago, I was totally captured as a customer. It gets INTENSELY hot here in South Georgia and there is not a department store heat deflector on the market that can come close to the effectiveness of the HeatShield. Also, the fit, finish, and overall quality of construction is absolutely top notch! I bought my current pickup truck new in 2012 and purchased a HeatShield Sunshade at that time. I just now ordered a new one to replace that one after 7 years of brutally hard hard hard, everyday use, multiple times per day. Do the math and try that kind of use with heat deflector you buy off the counter at the auto-parts store. No other run-of-the-mill store-bought heat deflector can come anywhere close to the HeatShield Sunshades. Expensive? …. yes, but worth every penny. However, when you consider how long the HeatShield Sunshade lasts and the damage-free protection (from sun/heat deterioration) it has afforded the dashboard of my vehicle over the past seven years, then the cost becomes an outright steal-of-a-deal. Look at it this way, if I wasn’t outrageously impressed with HeatShield Sunshades, I wouldn’t have purchased EIGHT in recent years for all my family’s vehicles. Take my advice, if you love your vehicles like I love mine and want only the very best protection from the damaging effects of sun and ultra violet rays, then look no further than HeatShield Sunshades for the protection you need. Like me, you will be a returning customer again, again, and again."
-Mitchell R.